Trying To Get Sober On Your Own? What To Know

If you have been dealing with addiction to drugs or alcohol and you want to try to kick your addiction without checking into an inpatient recovery center, there are many options that you can try. You may be able to break the addiction on your with determination and effort. There is a lot that will go into battling your addiction, and it may be a long journey. Here are a few things you'll want to do to start.

Write Down Your Goals

You have to know what you want to do and what you want to commit to. People who write down their goals and monitor them are more than 40 percent more likely to achieve them than those who don't. Put your goals in a planner or on post-it notes, and make sure that you constantly update your goal sheet to reflect changes in your life.

Find an Outpatient Support Center

You need medical assistance for your problem, and a mental health professional at an outpatient facility can make the difference between getting sober and relying on addiction. Not only will you have the help and training of medical professionals trained to assist with addiction, but you'll have the support of others getting sober like you.

You can enroll in a program and get all the help that you need. You can schedule the meetings around your own schedule, and help is always a phone call away. An outpatient detox center allows you to resume your normal life as you find sobriety. 

Let People Around You Help

If going certain places or being around certain people will trigger the need to participate in your addiction, let others that are close to you know. They will help you stay out of bars or away from a crowd that isn't helping you get better, and they will be there to distract you and help you find different ways to occupy your time. The more help you have from family and friends, the easier it will be.

There are many people that don't have the courage to admit they have an addiction, and they don't get the help that they need. Don't waste time or your life wondering what could have been if you would have gotten sober. There are many resources where you can reach out for help, and you may even want to talk with a physician while starting your road to recovery.
