Why See A Psychiatrist Counselor?

Mental illness is a common affliction. Unfortunately, many mental illnesses remain undiagnosed due to the stigma around seeking mental health treatment. Counseling is an effective method of treatment for many mental illnesses, and psychiatric medications can help people cope with neurochemical imbalances. A psychiatrist counselor can provide both these services. Here are four reasons to see a psychiatrist counselor:

1. Seek treatment for your mental health symptoms.

Many people receive a mental illness diagnosis when they go to a doctor complaining of common symptoms. People with depression feel sad on a daily basis. They may lack motivation and find no joy in activities they used to love. People with depression may sleep too much or too little. If you have anxiety, chronic feelings of despair, or other troublesome symptoms, a psychiatrist counselor can correctly diagnose you and provide appropriate treatment.

2. Visit only one doctor.

Some people with mental illnesses require medication and counseling. Psychologists can provide counseling services, but they are unable to prescribe medication and usually refer patients to psychiatrists. Psychiatrist counselors provide counseling in addition to prescribing medication. Many patients find it convenient to see only one doctor for their mental health needs. Having a single doctor can also remove the possibility of treatment errors due to miscommunications between doctors.

3. Have your medication adjusted as necessary.

Psychiatric medication can alleviate the symptoms of mental illnesses. However, each patient's brain chemistry is different. Medication that works to treat another patient may not work for you. Your psychiatrist will listen to your feedback and make changes to your prescription as necessary. You may need a higher or lower dose of medication, or you may need a different drug entirely. When you see a psychiatrist counselor, you'll be in contact on a regular basis. This type of constant feedback can help your psychiatrist make changes to your prescription in a timely, effective manner.

4. Use medication to enable your therapeutic work.

Some patients stay on psychiatric medication indefinitely because they find it helps them live a happier, healthier life. Other patients only require the intervention of psychiatric drugs for a short time. Medication can make you more receptive to therapy, allowing you to dig deep into difficult topics. People with trauma often find that psychiatric drugs allow them to process their emotions without experiencing harmful flashbacks. A psychiatric counselor is well-equipped to do difficult therapeutic work with patients, using SSRIs and other drugs for assistance.
